iso-14001Our company comply with the ISO 9001 manegment system, this international standard ensures that our productos have a highest quality, these pass all the safety controls. We follow a exhaustive qualiy manegment system in our production process.
iso-2271We comply with Good Manufactoring Pracctice (GMP) acording to de ISO 22716. We use a several control systems, on the one hand to control de production, and in the other hand to control the storage, and also we have an other to control the shipment of all our cosmetic productos.
14001verdetaIn Patriney, sl we are concerned about the enviroment, we comply with ISO 14001. We carry out an enviromental manegment system in this one, we deal with enviromental responsabilities and ensure sustainable growth of our company.


We passed all the security controls of the European union.



